To provide SUPPORT for victim families and professionals, PREVENTION of child and elder abuse, and JUSTICE for the innocent victims.
What is Shaken Baby Syndrome?
Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) is a form of Abusive Head Trauma (AHT) that occurs when a frustrated caregiver causes blunt force trauma to a child’s head by violently shaking and/or impacting the child with or against an object, usually to stop him/her from crying. This blunt force trauma can cause damage to the brain and often to the eyes.

Our Impact
We promote a multidisciplinary team approach in all aspects of our programming areas to meet the needs of our victim’s family members and professionals and prevent abuse. By working together, we meet the needs of victim family members and professionals, protect children and the elderly, and obtain justice for the innocent victims.
We Provide Support
We provide support to families who are often left behind and not served by other programs by sharing information and resources. These services are offered at no charge to the victim/family members.
We Provide Training
We provide a full range of forensic investigative training programs for multidisciplinary professionals to promote successful legal outcomes. We can design the training your jurisdiction needs, just contact us.
We Provide Consultation
We provide Case Consultation Services using a multi-disciplinary group of professionals experienced in crimes against children, the elderly, and people with disabilities to promote successful legal outcomes.
We Prevent Child Abuse
We prevent child physical abuse using our evidence-informed curriculum, When Babies Cry…We C.O.P.E. to teach caregivers how to C.O.P.E. with a crying baby. This curriculum is designed for delivery in schools