Beth Sedlet, M.S.


Beth Sedlet holds a Master of Science degree in Molecular and Cellular Biology awarded from Arizona State University.  She worked with the National Institute of Health as a Molecular Biology Research Technician in the Clinical Diabetes and Nutrition Section and was a Senior Research Assistant at the Barrow Neurological Institute.  She later served as the Lead Scientist for Axys Pharmaceuticals, as a Research Technician III for the La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology, and taught Physics at Paradise Valley Unified School District in Phoenix, AZ.

After her son was shaken by his child-care provider, she became passionate about preventing Shaken Baby Syndrome.  She was the Data Manager for the Never Shake A Baby Arizona Education Program and now serves as the Program Manager for the All Babies Cry Program with Prevent Child Abuse Arizona.

Beth began volunteering for The Shaken Baby Alliance in 2003 and then joined the Board of Directors where she now serves as Board President.