Margaret Patterson

Margaret Patterson

Program and Development Consultant

Margaret Patterson began working with SBA in May 2016 where she utilizes her development and program skills to raise funds and expand programs. Margaret began consulting to non-profits in 2014. Clients included Child Abuse Prevention Center of the Treasure Coast, Apartment Angel, and the Global Children’s Fund in collaboration with GMMB. Prior to that, Margaret was the CEO of The Child & Family Network Centers in Alexandria, Va. where she increased the number of children served by CFNC team by 50%, grew annual revenue by 44%, and doubled net assets, including a successful $3 million capital campaign. Previously, she was CEO and President of the Childcare Group, a $15 million childcare multiservice agency.  She also served for 17 years as the Executive Director of Child Abuse Prevention Center (now Family Compass) of Dallas, taking the agency from $40,000 to a $1.5 million budget during her tenure. She also served as Executive Director for a 24-hour emergency shelter for abused children, has administered emergency shelters for battered women, and developed national programs and policies for the YWCA and United Way of America.  She became a Fulbright Program Specialist in child abuse in 2012 and received a Master’s in Social Work from Boston College. She has been a licensed clinical social worker in Texas since 1995.