Julie Kawcyzk

Director, Elder Abuse Financial Center

Julie is the director of the Elder Financial Safety Center, leading the nation in the prevention, protection, and prosecution of financial crimes and prevention of financial exploitation, frauds, and scams. She oversees operations for the first of its kind Center, a unique collaboration between The Senior Source, Dallas County Probate Courts, and Dallas County District Attorney’s Office serving over 50,000 clients and victims with a financial impact of $170 million, 500 protected incapacitated adults 50+, 1,800 indictments of elder abuse, and 53,000 educated across the nation.

Leveraging human, organizational, and institutional capital to tackle major projects, she is recognized for her energy, wit, candor, and collaborative and strategic leadership. She holds a Master of Arts in Management from Dallas Baptist University and B.S. in Psychology and English from Southern Vermont College.

She is employed by The Senior Source – the one-stop shop in the Dallas area for older adults and their loved ones to navigate aging, where she leads a 14-member team with a $1.8M budget.


Thursday October 20, 2022 – Friday October 21, 2022 

Dallas Children’s Advocacy Center

8:30 AM – 4:30 PM

Victim Form