Steve Benton
Financial Director, Elder Abuse Financial Center
Steve Benton helps older adults avoid the dangers of financial uncertainty and exploitation as the Elder Financial Safety Center Financial Counselor at The Senior Source. He has been active in the financial services industry for over forty years, including participation on industry boards, business conduct committees, and as an Arbitrator.
Steve began his career as an Investigator for the National Association of Securities Dealers (now FINRA) and retired as Senior Vice President of ING’s flagship broker/dealer, Financial Network Investment Corporation, an organization of certified financial planners and other investment professionals.
He is a native of Dallas, graduating from TCU, and previously had been a volunteer in The Senior Source Money management/Guardianship Program since 2010, where he learned about the Elder Financial Safety Center.
Now, Steve is an employee of The Senior Source that has served greater Dallas as the go-to nonprofit for aging services since 1961. The Senior Source enhances the quality of life of older adults in Greater Dallas.
The Senior Source is the lead collaborator of the Elder Financial Safety Center, offering prevention, protection, and prosecution services. The collaborative includes the Dallas County Probate Court and Dallas County District Attorney’s Office, established in 2014. Since the Center has served over 50,000 clients and victims with a financial impact of $170 million, 500 protected incapacitated adults 50+, 1,800 indictments of elder abuse, and 53,000 educated across the nation.